Monday, July 02, 2007


I have to make a short client presentation on Greatness. An open brief. Someone is going to talk about how greatness coems from mistakes, and someone is going to talk about Picasso. So I have to find an angle and I thought fearlessness would be nice. There does seem to be a general lack of bravery in marketing - perhaps brand managers don't care enough, are just lazy, or maybe terrified of unmoderated public opinion on social networks? I don't know but that should get a reaction, at least. But look at people who achieve greatness. They don't care about public opinion - they pursue an idea (or dream or goal), and behave fearlessly in their pursuit of it. I could talk about Alexander the Great (note, not Alexander the Sure, or Alexander the Well-Researched), Michaelangelo, or even Steve Jobs (which is cliched, but an accessible analogy to marketing).