Monday, January 04, 2010

Predictions for 2010

Here they are again! Predictions, or at least some underlying trends, for planning, brands, and campaigns generally. This is also being posted on the Inferno blog SPARK, with email links if you want to know more (or see a presentation).

1. Inner prosperity. Brands promise self fulfilment and development, rather than the promise of ownership or consumption.

2. Open. In the value economy it makes sense for companies to cut overheads in R&D by opening up to more expert and customer input.

3. Silver-lining marketing. Brands need to find hidden benefits or indulgences. Thrifty customers can liberally maintain some of their indulgences without sacrificing the necessities.

4. Everything in Beta. We’ve been doing a lot of WoM marketing in 2009. With increased transparency and consumer scrutiny post-recession brands must accept and act upon consumer feedback and input. Those who build this into their business model will be repaid through customer loyalty and positive WoM.

5. Real-time campaigns. Major events in 2010 will see opportunities for brands to act as media providers through real-time, multi-platform, cross-channel campaigns. Mmmm.

6. The Mob (Rule). RATM and China’s ‘internet mob’ are the tip of the iceberg for brands. Time to take note, if you’re organising your own online communities of interest.

7. UGC(rap). UGC is now the majority of content online. And most of it is frankly rubbish. Brands need to step up and stand for quality content, not simply sponsor the cheap stuff.

8. Retail as Community. This one’s about communities moving from a purely online existence to a physical manifestation on the high street. And this will have a big impact on what brands define as retail.

9. Community Patriotism. Patriotism is becoming even more and more micro-focused. “Patriotic consumption” is the term coined for purchasing to support your community, and can be seen in the increased prevalence and support for Farmer's Markets, locally produced goods and the high street (the Brixton Pound).

10. Zombies! Popular culture is awash with zombies, monsters and vampires. From True Blood to Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters. Given that many agencies’ modus operandi seems to be to rip off YouTube memes or pop culture, where are all the ads then?