Tuesday, January 09, 2007

T A2 G G E "D"obie

I've been tagged, and I'm actually secretly quite touched. Thanks Luca. I think the rule is that I have to tell you 5 things you don't know about me, and tag 5 others. This reminds me of a little exercise we sometimes use in brainstorms - 2 truths and a lie. Although I'll try not to lie.

I also like the idea of putting everything in lists. I ought to have made a resolution to write all my entries and presentations in lists of ten.

Anyhow, 5 things.

1. I used to travel A LOT. Like 120 times a year. I miss it, I really do.
2. I have a pathological hatred of uniforms and most of the people who wear them (I used to have to wear a suit)
3. The best ad ever was for the Homeless Association of New York, with homeless people singing lines to New York New York. I wanted to cry.
4. I think I have IED - Intermittent Explosive Disorder. It's sort of a trendy new thing to justify flying off the handle. Rudeness, injustice and people who don't think for themselves get my dander up.
5. I hardly ever watch TV and have no idea who the soap characters are or know anything about popular culture, like which band is sleeping with which supermodel. Which is probably a terrible admission by a planner, but I just don't care about it.

That was hard, actually, as I try to be as superficial as possible (is that no 6?).

And I hereby pass the baton to:

Richard. Polymathic colleague who takes nice pictures.
Russell, who I knew before he became famous.
John, for his help and thoughts and ideas.
Nathan, who knows about digital stuff. Go on, ask him.
Bogdana, who flies the flag in Romania.


Bogdana Butnar said...

Wow, this probably will be one of the most successful ones. And it's mainly because you get them from people you cannot refuse and there's still a touch of the holiday spirit. Tag received and passed on :-)...oh, the agony of confessions

Robin Jaffray said...

Or, just make them up ;-)