Wednesday, October 11, 2006

B Webster I G for Grenier and Garage

So to the APG's Battle of Big Thinking. I know we're all into Robert Heath at the moment but I was struck by how many delegates talked about Cognitive Neuroscience. Is this the superstring theory for integrated communications in a fragmented media world? If ad planners are basically psychologists, digital folks are behaviouralists and direct planners accountants (John's analogy), maybe the new integrated comms planner is the neuroscientist?

Ivan from Naked quoted only 7% of the received message is proposition, the rest is context-influenced. He talked about how media planning should be less about how to deliver a message in a channel (actually the province of all integrated planners, not just media), and more about how that message will be received, where, when, and what the recipient will do with it. I'll buy that. So insights become more about message reception, collection (from consumer-pull channels like YouTube), and message propagation based on the understanding of cognitive processes.

I can see a lot of planners scurrying off to relook at their creative briefs after today (me included).

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