Friday, November 03, 2006

Why don't we see more tilt-shift around?

This has very quickly become my single most viewed image on Flickr. It's a fake tilt-shift using photoshop. I can only attribute this level of interest to two things - the popularity of the tilt-shift group and to the faddishness of tilt-shift.

I'm just amazed more ads don't use the technique - or maybe it's too mainstream to be cool anymore. Creatives - what do you think?

Pictures. Lots of pictures

I'm super-impressed about the number of planners and planning type folks and planners from other industries who have joined Planning Eye group on Flickr. People are posting pictures of all sorts of things that I'd never have taken, and see things I'd never look at. It's wonderful to know what's exercising planning minds around the world.

The thing is I want to do something with all this stuff. The web is wonderful but people have to find it. It's the people who are involved who are seeing things. I think I might produce a booklet or somesuch and give a copy to all the planners and creatives I know. Don't know what good it would do, or what they'd do with it, but it seems like a nice idea.


Now there comes a time when we all need a good headhunter. And I hope there's a good headhunter around when I next might need one. But I hope I haven't annoyed too many of them. Between the job ad on Russell's blog and here, I've had a fair few CV's and I gather there might be some unimpressed headhunters out there. Sorry about that.

But they've all been interesting CV's - and some approaches have been really innovative. I've been really blown away, in fact. And that these folks have come through these channels says oodles about them - by default, web savvy, involved in the community of planning, and Russell's site is as good as a recommendation as you need.

Perhaps, and here's the kicker, we need to build a community around our headhunters - perhaps a blog or knowledge exchange or virtual book club - where we can keep in touch with our headhunters and they, us. And jobs and candidates somehow magically get connected up. It's time to get with the programme.