Friday, November 03, 2006

Pictures. Lots of pictures

I'm super-impressed about the number of planners and planning type folks and planners from other industries who have joined Planning Eye group on Flickr. People are posting pictures of all sorts of things that I'd never have taken, and see things I'd never look at. It's wonderful to know what's exercising planning minds around the world.

The thing is I want to do something with all this stuff. The web is wonderful but people have to find it. It's the people who are involved who are seeing things. I think I might produce a booklet or somesuch and give a copy to all the planners and creatives I know. Don't know what good it would do, or what they'd do with it, but it seems like a nice idea.


Oakie Chiraskamin said...

Hi, It's me, hiOakie in Flickr. That's a really good idea. I am on your side. Wanna support this idea to happen.

Robin Jaffray said...

Thanks Oakie, and for all your pictures. I'm thinking of doing a little pdf magazine or somesuch - not professional or anything, but it might be able to grow if we get it right.

I also love that non-ad planners (like urban planners) are posting - I wonder what we can learn from them?

Oakie Chiraskamin said...

I should thank to all the members in our group too.

I agree about making it not too professional. It would be cool. PDF format is great, easy to deliver and distribute for anyone who would like to have. Email me, if you need my helping hands.