Monday, December 04, 2006

Blogging about Blogging about, well, you get the picture

Went to a debate this afternoon about whether corporate blogs are vanity or a useful marketing tool. Richard won - props. First off, I clearly think they're vanity projects, which is why I have an independent blog from the corporate website.

But I couldn't help thinking that most of the people in the room were talking about threaded discussions, message boards, forums, or whatever. Basically a corporately enabled digital interaction site to make up for corporate screw ups or somesuch.

I think that the notion of a corporate blog assumes either one person blogging on behalf of the company, everybody blogging individually (so the whole represents some sort of corporate view) , or - and I don't know what this would look like - some sort of hive-mind collective viewpoint blog. Given all the fuss a couple of years back about the wisdom of crowds, I wonder how you could build a hive-mind blog for a major corporation?

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