I guess this is a follow up to a slightly earlier post about whether there's anything more physical we could do with the shots and commentaries on Planning Eye.
It might be fun to try and create a knowledge exchange / book club / photo sharing / research learning / idea site for planners around the world.
What would that look like? What should it be about - if anything specific? Is there a technology platform for it we should use (Flickr is good but limited)?
Sorry, wrong post
Have a look at www.wikispace.com as a potential platform
a wiki is a great idea. will check it out
Hi Robin - in what ways do you find flickr limited?
Martin (different Martin)
Hi differnet Martin
I think I have such high hopes (and opinions) of Flickr that when it somehow falls a wee bit short of what you want to do, it's a bit frustrating.
The Flickr planning group is a great way to share images and a brief commentary but I'd like it to be the nucleus of a deeper exchange of ideas and information. I think pictures are a great catalyst to get things moving but would like whatever this thing is, to have a bit more depth.
I'm sure Yahoo and Flickr have plenty in mind for the service, and I really like the mashup things they are starting to do (like with Nokia), and their ecosystem (Moo etc) but the more they spoil me, the more I wan tto do. Maybe other Martin is onto something with a planning wiki type thing?
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