Monday, June 09, 2008

Renaissance and the slowdown

Adage have a little article about what 'renaissance marketers' need to do to develop integrated marketing campaigns (actually, IMC's - I love the way people can turn everything into a Three Letter Acronym, or TLA).  In a nutshell, it precis how agencies do it:

- strategic consistency (I'd call it coherence; slight difference)

- common measurement framework

- break down functional silos

- ensure you have the functional and technical skills to deliver.

But they seem to have missed out the bit where they have to buy some creative work. What is the renaissance work they should be looking for, what characteristics should it have?

I found an old book on the shelves at home which might provide the answer. Early renaissance art was categorised by naive wonder. Middle renaissance by intellectual idealisation. The high renaissance by scale, energy and high art.

Perhaps BMW films were a good example of exploring and surprising people about the possibilities of integration with digital at the core. Perhaps I Love Bees was a neat example of creating a very deliberate programme of experience orchestrating different channels through the web. Has anyone done the latter? Are there high renaissance integrated creative campaigns yet? Are there any agencies producing them (the scramble for digital agencies to become ad agencies, and vice versa, suggests not). Are there any clients - renaissance marketers, in fact - putting briefs out for this sort of work?

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