thoughts on advertising and strategy, and being ten minutes ahead. any further ahead would be too hard.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Expression or the anticipation of expression?
There's a lovely story about Leo Burnett in Sydney who kept inflated the emergency evacuation slide in the building's atrium, just for the fun of it. Good for them.
Should advertising be more arty or more fun - or are they not mutually exclusive concepts?
Brand expertise.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Art envy

Now I like the surprise of seeing something a bit unsual like this. But I don't know if Moleskines are just analog blogs - and therefore why can't they be digital instead? - or whether to feel envious because I can't paint.
My work Moleskine has a few mind maps in it but it's just too dull by comparison.
(PS this is now my 4th most viewed shot in Flickr. Memo to self - take more Moleskine shots)
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
The future of TV advertising? Admovies: a theory.
I was talking to Richard today about what the new communication model looks like and remembered some of the things people talked about tha the APG Big Thinking day last week. That TV is still tremdously powerful to touch people's emotive core, that even in a consumer-pull media world, repetition is still important. Jonathan from PHD was talking about how TV needs to borrow more from Hollywood. My agency is built on 'entertainment' in communications as a core principle, so I agree.
So here's a theory, I think we're going to see much longer TV spots in the new world. We're going to see a renaissance of great TV commercials, but they're going to epxlore a broader emotional spectrum - be scary, shocking, sad, funny - all in the same spot. Mini-movies. 3 minutes, 6 minutes or whatever. More like BMW films but served up in ad breaks.
We haven't quite figured out what the rest of the communications might look like yet - more to follow on this. But I do think that these new spots aren't the natural province of 'TV agencies'. Just because you can tell a simple, short, one-dimensional story in 30 seconds, there's no guarantee those skills will translate to creating admovies.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Yep, Chemistry is looking for a planner, so if you are a mid-level or fairly senior planner and fancy a change to work at an independent, interesting, integrated agency, drop me a line.
And as you can see I'm loving Spell with Flickr
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
And the winner is...
Russell won the Big Thinking thing - kudos. I liked his analogy of planner as gardener. Someone else talked of planners as shepherds. I think the notion is that ideas need to run over a long period of time to build depth and richness, and it's often best left to the planner to tend and nurture the idea or brand. Creatives, discuss...
So to the APG's Battle of Big Thinking. I know we're all into Robert Heath at the moment but I was struck by how many delegates talked about Cognitive Neuroscience. Is this the superstring theory for integrated communications in a fragmented media world? If ad planners are basically psychologists, digital folks are behaviouralists and direct planners accountants (John's analogy), maybe the new integrated comms planner is the neuroscientist?
Ivan from Naked quoted only 7% of the received message is proposition, the rest is context-influenced. He talked about how media planning should be less about how to deliver a message in a channel (actually the province of all integrated planners, not just media), and more about how that message will be received, where, when, and what the recipient will do with it. I'll buy that. So insights become more about message reception, collection (from consumer-pull channels like YouTube), and message propagation based on the understanding of cognitive processes.
I can see a lot of planners scurrying off to relook at their creative briefs after today (me included).
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
15 megs of Fame
Friday, October 06, 2006

Went along to Russell's coffee morning today.
Nice to meet so many interesting folks. I wonder, do any other disciplines in advertising (etc) meet like this? Is there a secret brotherhood of plannerliness? (I think so, actually)
I've lost the link to another planning blog someplace, where the guy made a connection between coffee and creativity; that the coffee houses of old were the epicentre of creative discourse and ideas. Nescafe, there's a brief for you.
Planning Eye

This is from a fun little group we've just got going on Flickr, called Planning Eye. OK Stan, who shot this, isn't a planner, he's a creative, and a good one, in Melbourne. Stan has a great eye and makes a great observation. If you want to join the fun in our little flickr group follow this link.
Anyone know if this is Banksy, or an Aussie equivalent?
Monday, October 02, 2006
Art in Ads

The debate about whether ad agencies are moving towards media arts is interesting (see a bunch of posts below) but perhaps cyclical. The industry's way of promoting products used to be to find a graphic artist with a certain style that you'd associate with your brand and bingo you had a poster.
IMHO, there's not enough of this sort of stuff anymore.
Perhaps there's a tyranny of copywriters that insists on ideas that come from headlines first (I did a stint as a copywriter once, so I can say that in some safety) - or perhaps Design (as distinct from art direction) is not a natural part of the creative team composition. I was reminded of a Nike client briefing someone told me about once where the creative team invited to the presentation was a designer and a planner. Maybe, with the advent of more design-led creatives coming through from digital agencies into the mainstream, we'll see more art-led ideas?
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Hand Paintedness

At the Alchemist by Ben Jonson, I was struck by the scene where Subtle draws a sign for the shop keeper. I like hand drawn or painted signs. I do think that if brands are searching for a little authenticity, they could do worse than get their staff or whoever to hand paint a few signs. Maybe it's why some people like their local coffee shop more than Starbucks - the human touch.